Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Monday, December 6, 2010

Laundry, Laundry, Laundry

Ok so in the last week or so I have fallen behind in laundry. I have had 6 sick kids and 1 sick husband. During this time I have washed more sheets and comforters than I can count! So the other laundry got put on hold.

My laundry room now looks like this and I still have more upstairs. This is how it looks when the kids help bring it down. They aren't very good at sorting but they are great at throwing it over the banister and pushing it into the laundry room. Thanks for the help kids!!

If anyone would like to help I can be reached at........ right like anyone would call.

Can anyone find the cat????

Christmas Decorations

Here are some Christmas decorations around our house.

This is in the basement and usually is full of pictures but Brendyn instisted on the wreath being put up. He is very proud of it!

This is the tree downstairs. Miranda likes the lights around the tv so she did that part. The tree was to tall for that spot so we cut the top. We don't use tree toppers so.....

I think you all saw the snowmen stuff last year but I just really like them so I put them in again. The bowl holds hot chocolate, the snowmen stackers are for chili and the tin had popcorn in it but not for every long. They dont sit right there but its easier for pictures.

This is over our front door. We have to climb up to get up there and it is scary!!!! I plan to have wrapped presents under the tree soon. Great place so the kids can't get to them :) I also need a tree skirt.

This tree is in our computer/sitting rm. I got the train this year and it has been a hit. Thankfully the batteries have run down so it just sits for now. I like it because you can see it out our front window.

Here are all the new stocking the kids picked out this year. The raindeer is something Jims grandpa made for us right before he passed away. They mean a lot to us. The santa I got at a yard sale for $1! Very excited about that.

We also have a netivity scene outside that lights up but its to cold to go outside and windy ( Idon't know if it would even stand up right).... sorry. You can come drive by our house and see it and then stop in for some hot chocolate!

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

O Christmas Tree

The tree you are seeing below is from a house here in Columbia. They do it every year and have many viewers. Brendyn loves to go see this. I think he wants one also :)

Monday, November 29, 2010

Lost but Found

Sorry it has been so long but for some reason I couldn't get into my page. Now that I can I hope to be better with posts.

Thanksgiving was at our house this year. Grandma Perkins, Lauren, Mike, Des, Micheal, Mason, Sabrina, Dman and Nevaeh were all here. We had plenty of good food and the kids all got to play. Unfortunately after everyone left Joshua started throwing up. After that they started dropping like flies. The next 2 night I spend cleaning up vomit. Good times. I hope this is not how r winter is going to be. It is now Monday night and I think everyone is better. Marshall still has a low fever but is still much better. I am hoping to sleep all night.

We have started decortating for Christmas and I hope to get some pictures on here soon. But for now I really should be cleaning the house. Good night.

Friday, August 13, 2010

WOW has this summer gone by fast! I havent had time to blog anything we have done. So here is a quick update.

We have only gone camping a hand full of times because we have had several house guests.

Alyssa's summer has been rough due to poision ivy and illnesses. I hope winter is much easier for her!

Miranda is turning 17 in just a few days and can't wait. Some upsetting news for her is that her new birth certificate and ssn has never came. (she was adopted 3 years ago!) Now they are telling us it will be another 6 months before she gets it. So that means no drivers license, job and anything else "important" to a young adult. She also will be homeschooled again this year in hopes to graduate early. We are both looking forward to this year. I enjoy having Miranda at home!

Joshua is well.....crazy. There really isn't any other word to use. He has a had a great summer. He has gotten a baby kitten that he is learning to take care of. So far he is doing well with Smokey. He even came up with the name. We just have to remind him that he needs to be careful he's still a baby. Joshua has started new meds for his ADHD and they work really well. I also just give him the meds as needed. I really like that because he's not always drugged. Except at night we give him 2 sleeping pills. So far that is working and mom can get some sleep now.

Brendyn is sweet as ever. He has over taken our bedroom but we have slowly moved him back to his own room. His favorite part of summer would be camping and going to the zoo. We decided at the last minute to go the other week. It was hot but we had a great time. We got to take some friends with us so we had a packed van! 2 adults and 11 kids. (well 4 teens)

James is busy with work and glad the bikers have left so he can get more sleep. Playing in his band and hanging out with the family has also kept him busy. He is also ready for cooler weather so he can mow the grass again. :)

I have been busy with the kids, house, Sabrins's kids, and doing respite for other families. We have stayed so busy this summer but have also had a few days of rest. We also got a season pass to the pool in Centralia and go there about 3 times per week. I am so ready for FALL!

Well that is everyone. I hope everyone has had a great summer and I hope to write more soon.

Monday, June 21, 2010

Our New Puppies....and Cat

Junior and Maggie
So one day we took Miranda's friend home and she showed us her new puppies. She said they were trying to get ride of them but couldn't find anyone. So the kids wanted one and I said we could find them good homes. Well two is better than one because then they have a playmate. So off we were to try and find them homes. Well nothing yet but the kids are not as excited about taking care of them. They have to do everything! I want them to understand how much work they really are before I did all the work.

Then the other day we had a cat on our front porch. If you know me you know that I hate cats!!! But this cat you could tell hadn't been getting food. Even though I don't like cats I cant stand to see it starving. So we now feed it and it hangs around. It is an outside cat (but has tried to get in several times and has made it a few) and will stay that way. But it now has shelter, food and water and loves to be loved on by the kids. I think it was our neighbors and when they left they didn't take them. We have two cats that like to hang around our property.